Friday, March 06, 2009


Felt really bad to have upset you. Although in a sense its not a big thing but yea I understand that I am in the wrong and I should have gotten carried away from playing tap tap and ignored the fact that I was supposed to charge your itouch. Glad that you are talking to me again and glad to know you care. It was a bad day for me and its nice to talk to ya althoug, once again you refuse to tell me more stuff about yourself. Just really want to know you better. There person you were the and the person you are. 

Seeing me at Fong Seng might probably be fate again I guess. Jio-ed my friend there in hope that I might get to meet you there although I know you probably will be with him. But I guess its ok lah. You arrived when I was leaving anyway. Looking at your bei ying once again. Really hope that instead of the one always at the back wishing and hoping, I could be the one standing right beside you one day.

Actually this week has been good I guess. Got to meet you a few times send ya to dance and had dinner with you. Simple pleasures for me. Guess I have really learnt not to ask for and expect too much. Perhaps I have been too eager to want us to be together but its really the fear of losing some one as special as you which is driving all the nonsense I do. Well I really do still think we are suited for one another. I am probably not the super caring and passive kind of guy like Shayne (thats what I deduced lah) nor am I tall charismatic and attractive like Max but I am me lah I am probably some rojak mixture with more wittyness and irritatingness =). 

Really hope we can go travelling together and get to know each other better. More arguements? Maybe. More unhappiness? Maybe. But I guess thats part and parcel of the process to getting to know each other better ba. Wonder if you really seriously considered me. I hope you did heh. If not I guess I will just to wait till the day when you do. And I will.


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