Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You and Me

Sometimes i wonder if you are testing me or its just that you really don't care at all. It just seems that i am not important at all compared to everything else that you need to do. Do you come to me as a last resort? Because no matter what you know i will always be there? You know waiting ain't such a fun think after all. Really admire those who wait for gals for years for the gals to fall in love with them. Maybe you have lost interest in me and already find me boring. *Shrugs* I really hope not. Really just need some attention sometimes also... tell me you do care and you do think about me and make me feel more important. I know i sound like a freaking wuss here but ya i cant help it coz i am in love? 

Just hope you could call me like after your dance before you sleep, chat a little before you do work msg me a good morning of some sort. It would be real nice. Sorry that I am still irritating you but i am trying and its been much better than before right? 

Its real nice to talk to you and to go out with you and it still is. Really missed all the times we have spent together. I guess its a price to pay for being too happy... since things are usually relative... being super happy means i gotta suffer equally after that and i guess this is the time that i am suffering ba. Not a bad thing, it keeps me going at times. Makes me look forward for better times, but it also bring much disappointment. Can't help it. 

Really need to catch up on alot of work too. I really don't know what will happen to you and me in the future. But i really hope you and me will become us someday. I really miss you bb but all i can do now is hope and pray.


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